A village website
for residents and visitors
Winster Walking Groups
A village website
for residents and visitors

There are two walking groups based in Winster and this is an excellent way to take healthy exercise, enjoy the glorious countryside of the Peak District and make new friends or refresh existing friendships. Both groups are very sociable and friendly.

Shorter Walking Group

This group meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month.  Walks are approximately 4-6 miles and usually finish with an optional pub or café lunch.

Co-ordinator:     Anthea Rawlence  a.j.rawlence@btinternet.com

Longer Walking Group

This meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Walks are usually about 7-9 miles and walkers take a packed lunch to enjoy in the lunch break.

Co-ordinators:   Steve Edgar steve.edgar1@btinternet.com 

                              Katharine Edgar  katharine.edgar@btinternet.com 


Both Walking Groups

Walk details are circulated via email about 5-7 days before each walk to everyone on the circulation list. Both groups meet outside The Old Bowling Green, usually at 9.45 am, to share lifts to the start/end of the walk. Both groups stop for a mid-morning coffee break. Everyone walks at their own risk and is invited to take a turn in planning and leading a walk at some point during the year. Dogs are welcome (provided they are under the owner’s control) and several walkers are members of both groups. Please contact the appropriate co-ordinator(s) for further information or to be added to the circulation lists.