A village website
for residents and visitors
Winster Village Magazine
A village website
for residents and visitors

The Winster Village Magazine is published towards the end of each month, and is delivered free of charge to all households in Winster. You can also purchase a copy in the Winster Village Shop for 50p.

The magazine can also be downloaded in Acrobat (PDF) format - if your computer cannot open PDF files, you will need to download the Adobe Reader (once only) from the Acrobat website.

Issues are typically 3Mb to 5Mb in size.

Latest Issue

Previous Issues


How we operate

The magazine is for the village (and surrounding villages), and as such submissions are welcome from all our readers.

Submissions need to be with the editor of the magazine by 6pm on the published copy deadline date. This is most often the 18th, but may vary by month and is published in the magazine in advance.

Submissions should be sent to mag@winster.org

Diary items can be sent to diary@winster.org - and will be published in the Winster Village Magazine and on the Winster Events Diary section of our website.

Short news items for the @winsterNews "X" feed (which will also appear on the header of the village website) should be sent to news@winster.org

An acknowledgement of receipt by the editor will be sent - if this acknowledgement is not received please don’t assume it has been seen, but follow-up directly with the magazine editor via phone (the number is in the magazine), not email.

Events which benefit village organisations may be advertised at no cost. They may be submitted in colour but may not be reproduced as colour - due to the extra printing costs involved.

Events which do not benefit village organisations will be treated as chargeable advertisements.

If you want to send "heavily formatted" items for the magazine, do please see our Technical Details page.

Advertising rates for Winster Village Magazine

 Black and WhiteColour
Full Page £24.00 £30.00
Half Page £12.00 £15.00
Quarter Page £6.00 £7.50


A series discount of one-sixth is available for ads that run repeatedly.

We also have a Business Directory at the back of the magazine, which just gives brief details and
contact info. This is available in black & white, costing £20 for the year.

Please send ads to ads@winster.org