Contributions to the Village Mag can be accepted in any format from handwriting to computer graphics files.
If you are originating copy on a computer, then plain text is fine for simple items. This can be as part of an email, or as a "txt" file.
If you need slightly more sophisticated formatting (eg Bold, unerlining, perhaps a contrasting font), please send this in "Rich Text" format - this will be one of the options in the "Save As Type" box in you Word Processing package. For this approach, please stick to the following fonts: Arial, Times New Roman, Comic Sans, Tahoma, Albertus Medium, Albertus Extra Bold.
If you want to send anything heavily formatted, then please create the graphic to fit one of the following sizes:
millimetres | pixels (we print at 300 dpi) | |
Small items | 60mm wide x up to 170mm high | 708 wide x up to 2066 high |
Quarter page (1 column half height) |
60mm wide x 87.5mm high | 708 wide x 1033 high |
Half Page (1 column full height) |
60mm wide x 175mm high | 708 wide x 2066 high |
Half Page (2 columns half height) |
120mm wide x 87.5mm high | 1417 wide x 1033 high |
Full Page (only where this has been "booked" in advance - may not always be possible) |
120mm wide x 175mm high | 1417 wide x 2066 high |
Please save (or export) the graphic as "uncompressed" TIF file or as a PNG.
The address for emails is - if it arrives OK, expect an acknowledgement (and if you don't get one - please chase up and find out what has gone astray).